World Environment Day has been held annually on the 5th June since 1973 and is one of the largest global platforms for environmental public outreach and has been celebrated by millions of people across the world since starting. The theme for this year will focus on solutions to plastic pollution under the campaign #BeatPlasticPollution.
Facts from the UN Website:
More than 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced every year worldwide, half of which is designed to be used only once. Of that, less than 10 per cent is recycled.
An estimated 19-23 million tonnes end up in lakes, rivers and seas annually. That is approximately the weight of 2,200 Eiffel Towers all together.
Microplastics – tiny plastic particles up to 5mm in diameter – find their way into food, water and air. It is estimated that each person on the planet consumes more than 50,000 plastic particles per year –and many more if inhalation is considered.

Everyone can play their part in helping to reduce plastic pollution and we have a range of product formats to ease you in, so you can still get the product formats you love but in a slightly more sustainable way!
These include our refillable 100ML spray deodorants, our 75ML refillable roll-on deodorants and our refillable deodorant sticks! These 3 products can all be refilled indefinitely and can save a huge amount of plastic from going to landfill if you were to buy the equivalent in other products!
For our refillable sprays and refillable roll-ons you can buy refill bottles full of your favourite scent and decant these into the smaller bottles for ease of use! The 500ML spray refill allows you to refill your 100ML spray bottle up to 5 times, helping you to use 65% less plastic! Our 525ML roll-on refill bottle allows you to refill the 75ML roll-on up to 7 times, again helping you use 65% less plastic!

And if your looking to reduce your plastic waste drastically then we also have some plastic free formats including our deodorant stick refills, which can be used on their own or in our plastic holders, our balms which come in glass jars and our 75G crystal which comes in a cardboard box!